Mineral County Commissioners

The Board of county commissioners serve as both administrative and policy-making bodies for their counties. While, generally, boards have only those powers specifically conferred by the state General Assembly, courts have held that they have such implied powers as may be necessary to carry out their specified powers. Constitutionally, the board also sits as the county board of equalization. The board also fills all vacancies in county offices other than those for county commissioner and for public trustee. All powers of the county, as a legal entity, are exercised by the board of county commissioners and not by its individual members. (Source: www.ccionline.org)

What we are working on?

In December of 2023 Mineral County acquired the mining claims formerly owned by the Poxson family on which the historic mine buildings on the West Willow leg of the Bachelor Loop sit.  We had been in negotiations with the Poxson family, the EPA, and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment for over three years to make this acquisition a reality.  Now that we have taken possession of these properties the major project ahead of us is first the stabilization, and then eventually the rehabilitation of the iconic Commodore 5 Ore House, the Commodore 4 Ore Sorting House, the Commodore 3 Ore House and the various auxiliary structures in the area.  Additionally, we continue to work to maintain and upgrade various components of the Mineral County Infrastructure, the Courthouse, the Medical Clinic and Ambulance Barn, the Underground Mining Museum and Community Center and the Landfill.  And as always, primary importance to the Commissioners is our continued support of the other Elected Offices: The Mineral County Sheriff, Coroner, Assessor, Clerk and Recorder, and Treasurer as well as all of the other various and assorted Mineral County Employees and Volunteers.

Contact a Commissioner:

Commissioner Meetings: First and Third Wednesday of each month, Work Sessions scheduled for Second and Foruth Wednesday of each month

Commissioners Contact:

Jesse Albright
Chair Commissioner District 2
Ramona Weber
Commissioner District 3
R. Scott Lamb
Commissioner District 1
(719) 849-3542

Commissioners Office Schedule:

Monday - Jesse Albright 9am-12pm

Tuesday - Ramona Weber 9am-12pm

Wednesday - Ramona Weber 1pm-4pm

Thursday - Jesse Albright 9am-12pm    Scott Lamb 1pm-4pm

Friday - Scott Lamb 9am - 12pm