July 6 Meeting Recap

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Mineral County Board of Commissioners held their regularly scheduled monthly meeting on July 6, 2021 to take care of a list of monthly business and reports.  Among the items discussed were:

  • Road and Birdge Supervisor Dannie Rogers reported that Mag Chloride had been successfully applied on Middle Creek Rd, Deep Creek Rd, Corsair Dr, and other Forest Service Rd as prescribed by the Forest Service
  • The Road and Bridge Dept will be working with the Forest Service to haul gravel and provide some labor and equipment for spot graveling of Pool Table Rd
  • Public Health Director, Tara Hardy, reported that there are no current active cases of COVID19 in Mineral County and that 78.9% of the County has received at least one shot
  • Emergency Manager, Terry Wetherill, reported that he has been working on the Active 911 system to make it more user friendly to first responders
  • The Commissioners voted to renew the license for ambulance service provided by South Fork Fire and Rescue in Mineral County
  • Commissioenrs discussed some alternatives to better signage at the Yield sign on Hwy 149 at the 7th street bridge as well as cleaning up the sign pollution at the same intersection.  The comments will be shared with CDOT.
  • Finally the Commissioners talked with CSU Extension Director, Larry Brown, about hiring a part-time 4-H coordinator within Mineral County.  The Commissioners ultimately voted to pursue the hire and provide CSU with funds from the American Rescue Act money received from the County.

Nest regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 22, 2021 beginning at 9 am.